
The Wickerdale Walkers were organized as a nonpartisan community group with the mission to make a difference for our children and educators. We came together as a group of parents who were upset over the loss of our children’s bus service. During that process, we learned about the challenges that face our school district. We got off the couch and decided to help. We made the plight of our children’s schools and the educators who serve them, our own. Our group has met with key state legislatures to pursue changes and amendments to the current laws that would benefit all of Colorado’s school districts. We are continuing this fight, but we need support from the community in order to carry this out. Please consider joining our cause, whether you realize it or not this fight is your fight. Everyone has a vested interest in providing the best education possible for our next generation.

Will you attend the Wickerdale Walkers march on the Capitol in April?

How do I make a difference?

We have many ways to get involved. One of the easiest is to mail a red crayon, (Crayons 4 Education) to Governor Bill Ritter, sample letter below:

Crayons 4 Education

Mail to:

Governor Bill Ritter and Budget Committee Members

136 State Capitol

Denver, CO. 80203-1792

Dear Governor Bill Ritter and Budget Committee members,

You are in receipt of 1 red crayon; courtesy of Crayons 4 Education.

Please take note it is red; this is to symbolize the debt the state is passing onto our children. The cuts to next year’s budget as well as the rescissions this year are stripping Colorado’s children of their ability to compete. Colorado already funds education at $1400 less than the national average, an embarrassment which is now being compounded. The Crayon itself symbolizes Education. We must ensure that this generation is better equipped to meet the challenges of the wider world that they live in. We cannot accomplish this by crippling education year after year. We are demanding a full review of the purposed cuts and alternate methods of funding be devised. Our wish is that you look at the Colorado State Lotto, which currently provides money for Colorado States Parks and also pays farmers on the Western slope to retain their land instead of selling to developers. We appreciate the nice parks but in time of recession and extreme cut backs we are asking you what is necessary the luxury of parks or better education in the lives of our children NOW? If you would like to be better educated about our plan for redirection of the Colorado State Lotto funds please visit the following web site:


The education of children is serious business and we can ill afford to jeopardize their (and our own future) with a culture of cuts and fiscal irresponsibility!


"Wickerdale Walkers"

A group of concerned parents....

See us on Facebook as Wickerdale Walkers


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Proposition 101 and its Amendments 60 & 61

I am a deeply conservative man when it comes to taxes and fiscal responsibility, with that said these 3 acts, lets cal them Moe, Larry and Curley and bloody insane! I am not about to give up my local sovereignty on taxation and subject myself to the whims of the states voting populace anytime a Mill Levy is needed. This will decimate our police force and emergency service and crush all local government. The people who came up with this are so detached from reality it is scary!

Please become informed about these upcoming ballot initiatives. I believe they will cause long-term damage to our State and Local entities. I value nice roads, good schools, public libraries and local government - each will be impacted negatively if these pass. In addition to opposition site I listed below - read these... articles from the Denver Post which include links to both opposition and support groups http://www.denverpost.com/recommended/ci_14445721and http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_14445856

Protect Colorado's Communities Vote NO on Colorado Amendments 60, 61 and Prop. 101
Extremists are already trying to make the 2010 ballot longer than ever. Three reckless and radical initiatives have been proposed--Proposition 101 (formerly Initiative #10), Amendment 60 (formerly Initiative ...


  1. I think that Amendment 60 is one more way the government is trying to take control. There needs to be less government control in our schools and more control at the local level. We are the ones that know what our schools need, not the government. First the mortgage industry, then the banking industry, now the schools...where does it stop??

    I'm all for cutting taxes, but doing it in a smart way. If Amendment 101 passes, we will have even less money to fix our roads and bridges. So the 2 foot pot holes everywhere are going to turn into 3 foot pot holes, which will in turn cause more repairs on our vehicles. Who is going to pay for the repairs??? Us, NOT the government. So I'm not sure how this would help our economy.

    These 3 amendments in the end are going to hurt our economy, not help it. If the schools have to rely on the government for funding and they slash taxes like they are proposing, then where is the money going to come from to run the schools? So more teachers will be cut, which in turn reduces the amount of people that can "spend" money. The class sizes will have to increase more and the children who will be running our country in 20 years are going to be so stupid, these economic times will look like awesome!

  2. I am all for lowering taxes, but Amendment 101 doesn't make any sense. This amendment will reduce the amount of money we spend in registration fees for our vehicles. So now there will be even less money to repair our roads and bridges. So instead of 2 foot pot holes our vehicles will be hitting 3 foot pot holes, which will in turn beat our vehicles down to the point of repair. Who will pay for those repairs?? We will, NOT the government. It will help the auto repair industry, but will hurt the general public.

    Amendment 60 is just one more way for the government to take control. First the mortgage industry, then the banking industry and now the schools! Where does it end?? We need more control on the local level, but this is not the way to do it. And how does the government expect us to continue to pay for education with all of these cuts and giving us no way to make up the monetary difference? We already are down to the bare minimum.

    Amendment 60 will cause us to lay off more teachers, which will in turn cause less dollars to be spent in our economy. It will also force us to increase class size. This means that the kids that will be running our country in 20 years will be less educated, not knowing how to do the math to strategize what needs to be done and will make these economic hard time we are currently in look awesome.

    The sad thing is, these amendments are wasting our time and energy when it should be spent on trying to fix the reasons the economy is in the state it's in.
